Contact Us
We are pleased to offer online booking for Dr. Alchalabi, Dr. Drouin, Dr. Morariu, Dr. Ren, Dr. Simoncic and Dr. Thanon
You must be a registered patient with one of these doctors to book an appointment online.
Online appointments are follow up appointments only. For all other appointments including allergy shots, well baby visits, immunizations and yearly check ups require you to call the clinic as these appointment are only done at certain times of the day.
As a registered patient, you have access to after hours appointments, for urgent problems, with our on call doctor from 5 to 8 pm Monday through Thursday, and on Saturday from 9 am to noon. These appointments are reserved for urgent concerns and are scheduled the day of the appointment only.
We kindly request 24 hours notice to cancel or to reschedule an appointment. If you miss an appointment without 24 hours notice, you may be billed for the missed visit at Ontario Medical Association recommended rates.
Hazeldean Medical Clinic
Tel: 613 369 8330
Fax: 613 836 6882
Dr. Lucyna Anderson
Phone:Â 613 369 8330
Fax: 613 836 6882
© 2024 Hazeldean Medical Clinic